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Tendencias #162 (part 1) Oscar Spendrup (part 14)

"Rock'n'hot" is the title of this cover story by Bodo Ernle featuring Oscar Spendrup interviewed by Ernesto Artillo (read below), groomed by Boris Rieker and shot in Berlin by Enzo Laera for the current issue of Spanish fash mag Tendencias.
Here is the complete editorial. Exclusively on Morphosis !
Berlín. Oleada de calor, cuero compungido y tachuelas que vieren a su paso cultura post concierto. una fórmula infalible para atravesra la estación estival con aroma a rock decadente depositado en alguna esquina del Mitte. Disputas amorosas a la salida del White Trash, pintadas arty en vagones del metro y el retumbe de un Marshall vintage aún un nuestro corazón. Lustrosos tupés que se mantienen intactos con la salida del sol, oportunos diastemas y candados aunados al cuello abrazan de nuevo una noche sin fin. llega la hora de rock'n'rollear.
Victoria Zárate.
Interview :
Ernesto : When did you start modeling ?
Oscar : When I was 16.
Ernesto : How were you scouted ?
Oscar : On my way home from junior high in downtown Stockholm, Sweden.
Ernesto : You would kill to work with...
Oscar : Tom Ford, he's a true artist.
Ernesto : What did you want to be when you were a boy ?
Oscar : A rock star.
Ernesto : Your fave food.
Oscar : Grilled salmon and veg BBQ.
Ernesto : Any snag in a show ?
Oscar : I once slipped but I didn't sprawl.
Ernesto : Your fave film.
Oscar : "When you're strange", a Tom DiCillo movie about The Doors.
Ernesto : Besides being handsome...
Oscar : Who said I was handsome ?
Ernesto : You're a model, not a computer scientist !
Oscar : I'm also a musician. And a good guy.
Ernesto : The band that most influences your style ?
Oscar : Kiss and Radiohead.
Ernesto : Best plan for the weekend.
Oscar : A coffee with buddies.
Ernesto : In Spain, you like...
Oscar : No doubt, gazpacho !
Ernesto : A celeb you'd party with.
Oscar : I ain't into clubbing that much, but perhaps Thom Yorke.
Ernesto : Climax of your career so far.
Oscar : The H&M campaign because of the shooting team. I guess it doesn't depend on what you do or where you are, but who you work with.
Ernesto : You'd describe your style as...
Oscar : Rock'n'roll, according to my mood.
Ernesto : Your style icon.
Oscar : Freddie Mercury.
Ernesto : The tune you can't stop listening to.
Oscar : Radiohead's "Little by little".
Ernesto : What do you miss from Stockholm ?
Oscar : My parents, the food and my piano.
Ernesto : A model's dream.
Oscar : Get paid.
Ernesto : Georgia Jagger, Lara Stone... What's the diastema power ?
Oscar : The best thing that got out of this gap was a whistle. Anyhow, Georgia rules. What's her phone number ?
Ernesto : Nowhere to be found outside of Stockholm.
Oscar : The air ! It's my home and my lair.
(Translation : Lestat)