The difference between a groomed man and his ungroomed equivalent is not his sexual preference or fetish. It is a fallacy that only men of a certain persuasion care about their appearance -all of us can, and should.
The real difference between the groomed and the ungroomed, the styled and the unstyled lies in your potential for success in life. When you look high maintenance, you feel better. When you feel your best, you exude confidence. When you are self-assured, you draw people to you. They open up to you more. They trust you more.
Sheer conjecture ? Not quite. Consider the fictious characters of Gordon Gekko and Patrick Bateman. Neither would have achieved the pre-comeuppance success they had enjoyed, had either of them been sloppily dressed and ungroomed. Think about it : there is a reason that we say that someone's being groomed for success ! Grooming is not just for vanity, it's for solid and practical reasons. And because you too are worth it.
The real difference between the groomed and the ungroomed, the styled and the unstyled lies in your potential for success in life. When you look high maintenance, you feel better. When you feel your best, you exude confidence. When you are self-assured, you draw people to you. They open up to you more. They trust you more.
Sheer conjecture ? Not quite. Consider the fictious characters of Gordon Gekko and Patrick Bateman. Neither would have achieved the pre-comeuppance success they had enjoyed, had either of them been sloppily dressed and ungroomed. Think about it : there is a reason that we say that someone's being groomed for success ! Grooming is not just for vanity, it's for solid and practical reasons. And because you too are worth it.